Kamyla and I are going on a trip and we want you to come with us. We’ve made an interactive game to play with you during our travels.
Each day we’ll ask a question related to the trip. The first person to answer these posts correctly on my website wins a prize. I’ll post the first question tomorrow and the answer the day after. Just follow the link.
Have fun and good luck!
Prize List:

1- One Free Classroom Skype Visit

2-An Autographed Copy Of Kamyla Chung and the Creepy Crawlies and a Creepy-Crawly Craft

3-An Autographed Copy Of Kamyla Chung and the Classroom Bully and a Bully Free Pledge Certificate

4-A Copy Of Kamyla Chung and the Creepy-Crawlies Teacher’s Guide

5-A Mason Jar Nightlight

6- A Copy Of Both Books in The Kamyla Chung Series

7-A $5.00 Starbucks Gift Card

8-An Autographed Copy Of Chris Kringle’s Cops The First Mission

9- A Harry Potter “I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good” Shirt.