Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 6

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer to yesterday’s question: Three Amusement Piers.


Image courtesy of Aneese from Getty Images via Canva.com

Kamyla and I hope you had as much fun as we did playing the game.

Thank you for joining us on our road trip and playing along. The winners will be notified of their prizes once we get home!

Author: Ellwyn

I live with my loving husband, two children and dog in Philadelphia, PA. I discovered my passion for writing in second grade when I had to write a book report for school. I was so excited to write the report, until my mother told me that I had to write about someone else's book and not my own story. I became indignant and decided that once I finished the book report I would most certainly write my own original story. I have been writing ever since! My self-published book Chris Kringle's Cops was a Finalist in The Reader's Favorite Book Contest for 2016. I am so happy to share this story with you.  My picture book Kamyla Chung and the Creepy Crawlies was given a 5 Star rating by Reader's Favorite Book Reviews in 2017.