Christina Francine
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Mr. Inker Finds a Home
(1st of the Mr. Inker series)
By: Christina Francine
Rafiq looked puzzled and surprised at the same time. “I cannot believe it,” he said. “A pen that can talk.”
A unique idea – a talking pen. In an age where cell phones seem most kids’ friends, the author resuscitates the original means of communication: the pen! A talking writing utensil becomes an immigrant boy’s best friend. Immigrant children will like reading a book about themselves combined with a little fun and magic. Not only will they learn to read, but have fun at the same time. Mr. Inker will bring smiles to immigrant and American children alike. The story may even cause a chuckle or two. Teachers and parents will appreciate what the book offers young readers.
Christina Francine ChristinaFrancine@gmail.com
Available at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Wal-Mart, and more
Waldorf Publishing
2140 Hall Johnson Road 102-345, Grapevine, Texas 76051
info@WaldorfPublishing.com P: (972) 674-3131
Release Date: Feb. 17, 2020,
$6.99 USA, $10.99 CANADA
Kindle $2.99
ISBN-10: 1647648807
ISBN-13: 978-1647648800
Grade Level: Kindergarten – 6
Paperback: 44 pages
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.1 x 9 inches
Christina Francine is an enthusiastic author and educator for all ages. Picture book, Special Memory (2019), and leveled reader series, Mr. Inker (2020), reflect her positive thinking and belief that individual learning style can solve world problems. Journal of Literary Innovation published her analysis on students’ writing across the nation Spring 2016.
Christina holds a B.A cum laude in Children’s Literature and in Education from University at Castleton, Vermont, and a M.A in English Studies with a concentration in writing from SUNY Fredonia, New York. She continues to share her love of writing with teaching college students and with elementary students part-time. She is a member of BNCWI – Buffalo, Niagara Children’s Writers and Illustrators. Her fantasy novel is forthcoming. Learn more about Christina by visiting https://ChristinaFrancine.org
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Praise for Mr. Inker Finds a Home
5 Stars
Mr. Inker is a pen that is created to tell a story of profound importance. It is a pen that talks and is wise as it is humorous.
The Author, Ms. Christina Francine, has evocatively brought us to the attention of how the children of today would rather play and learn with gadgets and computers, rather than use a pen/pencil to write and learn. A child’s world today is centered around mechanical intervention.
Ms. Francine has also portrayed a little of the fear that is faced by immigrants who move to another country to seek better lives for their families, especially for their children.
I would recommend Mr. Inker finds a Home, written with a little humor, and much imagination, to her targeted readers, as it fosters deeper understanding towards the plight of immigrants in children, and invokes greater interest in learning with traditional tools. —-Shobana Gomes, Malaysia
5 Stars “It was amazing”
Mr. Inker, a classy pen, finds himself alone in the office and party supply shop, wondering if he will ever find a home. When young Rafiq opens up his birthday present and finds Mr. Inker, he tells his Grandfather he has never had a pen of his own before. Meanwhile, we learn that Rafiq has only been in America for one month and he misses his friends from his birth country, Pakistan. When Mr. Inker comes to life, growing arms and legs, Rafiq remarks that he has “a very special pen, indeed.” Mr. Inker brags that he will never have to be thrown away, since he is fancy, and his ink and eraser may be replaced if they no longer work. Rafiq jokes that he might call him Mr. Inker the Stinker which raises a laugh. When Mr. Inker notices Rafiq’s sad face, Rafiq mentions how much he misses his home and old friends. He encourages Rafiq to pull open a page from his notebook and write a joke. Then he invites Rafiq to write a letter to a friend in Pakistan. When Rafiq counters with his idea of writing on the internet, Mr. Inker points out that penning the letter in person will help him improve his English and also provide a unique experience for his friend: not only will he have a solid piece of paper that Rafiq has touched, but he will be able to write a letter back to him.
Engagingly told through the pen’s point of view, this reader conveys the connection a young Pakistani immigrant boy named Rafiq finds with his writing tool—not merely an instrument who becomes a companion, but also a little being who helps him find a link with the homeland he misses so much. In addition, the author cleverly inserts the theme of literacy. By writing the letter rather than typing it on the computer, he will learn English by composing the letters and words to his dear friend at home. The character of Mr. Inker becomes a friend, guide, and mentor for young Rafiq, a bridge from his old life and language to the new America. This reader provides all of us a compelling window into cultural sensitivity and love of learning for the many immigrant children we teach and treasure.
–Gini Grossenbacher, M.Ed. www.ginigrossenbacher.com
5 Stars
Want to get away? Just read Mr. Inker finds a Home. I’ll begin by stating this, I’m a senior citizen and I really enjoyed the book despite my age.
Even though it states that it targets the level three reader, its far beyond that and I’ll tell you why.
In these current times of chaos, hate, and various types of prejudices, one needs to “go somewhere else” mentally! In other words, read a book like this and leave this world behind even for a short time.
This book displays various illustrations and a colorful narrative that makes a person desire peace and tranquility.
Remember, we’re all still young within our spirit!
Any child will achieve a certain degree of peace reading this book. An excellent read for anyone…..even us adults! —-Robert Davis
5 Stars
People from all over the world travel to America every day. Some even become part of our society and American citizens. But one young boy from Pakistan would learn a great many lessons from a unique and cherished birthday gift.
Mr. Inker has only one wish and that was hoping to be bought. Mr. Path in sold office and party supplies and Mr. Inker was part of his inventory.
Excited and thrilled when he heard people singing happy birthday. Never expecting to see the smiling and excited face of the young boy who peeled away the paper and was beaming at seeing him. Imagine a young child absolutely thrilled at receiving a pen from his grandfather for his birthday. Never owning a pen before this was a hallmark moment.
Taking Mr. Inker from the box that he came in, he looked him over but what he did not know is that Mr. Inker was studying him too. Rafiq is the boy’s name and little did he know that Mr. Inker was not an ordinary pen.
Being mindful of his precious gift Rafiq places it on a desk in his bedroom. But something happens and his life will change, and he will learn some valuable lessons from believe it or not : Mr. Inker!
Suddenly, he hears a voice and cannot imagine where it is coming from.
Mr. Inker wanted to share his secret with Rafiq. Placing his other gifts in his bedroom he thought about how much fun he had but something was missing. His friends from his old country. He wished they were there. Mr. Inker would help bring them closer to him in a different way.
Suddenly, the pen came alive and had two eyes, mouth, two arms and two legs. Rafiq could not believe what he saw or heard. Guess what? This pen’s eraser and ink can be replaced, and he will never need another pen. Mr. Inker and Rafiq talked and became acquainted. Taking Rafiq got to understand more about his gift and admitted not knowing a lot about pens.
Then Mr. Inker learned that Rafiq came from Pakistan and that his old country was different from America.
He missed his friends but was not sad about living in America.
Mr. Inker is not only a pen but really understands Rafiq and found a unique way of helping him contacting his friends in Pakistan.
Imagination pen that tells jokes. Imagine one that writes them. No, I bet you are wondering how! Author Christina Francine created an interesting and innovative character that she can bring back many times either teaching Rafiq need lessons in life, about his new country or even introducing some American friends. Watch what happens when they both write some jokes but to find out what they are you must read it for yourself.
Technology is great because we can email, text, or even send short note but what about writing a letter. Find out what Rafiq decides to do and how his new pen will help him if he does not know an English word. Which is better: an email or a real letter that you or your friend can hold in you had and put away safely in an envelope or scrapbook to read repeatedly? Find out which he chooses and read the jokes that Mr. Inker adds.
This book teaches important lessons in friendship, differences in countries and introduces a precious young boy from Pakistan named Rafiq: happy emailing or using your own special pen? What is your choice and why? A great lesson for teachers to use as a writing prompt. A great book and I wish I had a Mr. Inker too! —-Samfreene (Fran Lewis), Just Reviews
About The Author

Christina Francine is an enthusiastic author and educator for all ages. Picture book, Special Memory (2019), and leveled reader series, Mr. Inker (2020), reflect her positive thinking and belief that individual learning style can solve world problems. Journal of Literary Innovation published her analysis on students’ writing across the nation Spring 2016.
Christina holds a B.A cum laude in Children’s Literature and in Education from University at Castleton, Vermont, and a M.A in English Studies with a concentration in writing from SUNY Fredonia, New York. She continues to share her love of writing by teaching college students and with elementary students part-time. She is a member of BNCWI – Buffalo, Niagara Children’s Writers and Illustrators. Her fantasy novel is forthcoming. Learn more about Christina by visiting https://ChristinaFrancine.org