Christina Francine
*** Available for interviews or to write a feature
Praise for Mr. Inker Goes to School, Book #2 of series
Mr. Inker Goes to School
By Christina Francine
Rafiq was glad Mrs. Adler said his name correctly. The boy with red sneakers whispered it wrong to the boy next to him saying instead “Ra-Freak.”
Rafiq misses his friends from Pakistan and a boy at school makes fun of his name. It is not easy being an immigrant in America. Rafiq knows he’s safer in “the land of the free,” yet he is homesick. When he receives a fancy pen for his birthday, he discovers his new best friend, a talking pen. Sometimes Mr. Inker is too proud and his jokes corny. He can be a real stinker, but he helps Rafiq with English words, makes him laugh, and finds a way to connect Rafiq with his old friends through traditional letter writing. This Step 3 Waldorf Reader is perfect for boys and girls ages 5-8!
Be sure to look for other books about Mr. Inker who is sometimes a stinker.
A unique idea – a talking pen. In an age where cell phones seem most kids’ friends, the author resuscitates the original means of communication: the pen! A talking writing utensil becomes an immigrant boy’s best friend. Immigrant children will like reading a book about themselves combined with a little fun and magic. Not only will they learn to read, but have fun at the same time. Mr. Inker will bring smiles to immigrant and American children alike. The story may even cause a chuckle or two. Teachers and parents will like the learning within each story and the learning section at the back of the book.
Publication Details
Christina Francine ChristinaFrancine@gmail.com
Waldorf Publishing www.waldorfpublishing.com
2140 Hall Johnson Road 102-345, Grapevine, Texas 76051
info@WaldorfPublishing.com P: (972) 674-3131
Release Date: Fall 2020, ~ $3.99 USA, $XXX Canada
ISBN # (to come)
Available for purchase at: Amazon & www.ShaggyPup.com
Amazon Author Profile: https://amazon.com/author/christinafrancine
Author Bio
Christina Francine is an enthusiastic author for all ages. Her picture book, Special Memory debuted Fall 2019. The first of her Leveled Reader # 3 Mr. Inker series debuts early 2020. Journal of Literary Innovation published her analysis on students’ writing across the nation Spring 2016. She believes individual learning style may solve world problems. She teaches writing at University of Buffalo and at Buffalo State. Christina is a member of Buffalo-Niagara Children’s Writers & Illustrators (BNCWI).
Author website: https://www.ChristinaFrancine.org
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About The Author

Christina Francine is an enthusiastic author and educator for all ages. Picture book, Special Memory (2019), and leveled reader series, Mr. Inker (2020), reflect her positive thinking and belief that individual learning style can solve world problems. Journal of Literary Innovation published her analysis on students’ writing across the nation Spring 2016.
Christina holds a B.A cum laude in Children’s Literature and in Education from University at Castleton, Vermont, and a M.A in English Studies with a concentration in writing from SUNY Fredonia, New York. She continues to share her love of writing by teaching college students and with elementary students part-time. She is a member of BNCWI – Buffalo, Niagara Children’s Writers and Illustrators. Her fantasy novel is forthcoming. Learn more about Christina by visiting https://ChristinaFrancine.org