Interview With Author Ariel Bernstein

By way of introduction to Ariel Bernstein, here is the bio from her Amazon page. It captured her personality so perfeclty; I had to use it. 

Ariel Bernstein is a writer of picture books and chapter books. She lives in New Jersey with her family, many mismatched socks, and the occasional balloon.

I think it shows how witty and lighthearted she is. Someone like that makes the perfect children’s author.

Now that I’ve introduced you to Ariel, let’s get to know her a little better.

Ariel has a brand new book out.

Available on Amazon

  • Age Range: 5 – 8 years
  • Grade Level: Kindergarten – 3
  • Series: Warren & Dragon (Book 4)
  • Paperback: 112 pages
  • Publisher: Puffin Books (June 25, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-0451481078

Warren and Dragon are setting out on their most unspooky, totally normal, not-scary-at-all adventure yet…their first sleepover!

Warren is a seven-year-old boy and Dragon is part stuffed animal, part fierce dragon, part best friend–depending on what part you believe most. And Michael is their new friend and next-door neighbor. When Michael invites them over to go “camping” in his basement, the dynamic duo don’t know whether they’re more excited or nervous about it. This is their very first sleepover. EVER. Sure, Michael promised there would be not one but two desserts to look forward to. But he also said he wants to swap–gulp–scary stories. Warren can think of nothing more embarrassing than calling his parents to pick him up early from a sleepover, but how is he supposed to fall asleep in a dark basement full of mysterious and unfamiliar noises?

Hello, Ariel, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications.

Thank you for having me.

What inspired you to be a writer? 

I was inspired to write just by reading books that I loved. They made me want to create stories that would make others laugh and imagine things.

Is writing your full-time profession? 

It is!

How long have you been writing? 

I’ve been writing off and on since high school. But in terms of children’s literature, about 5 years.

How many books have you written? 

Too many to count! But in terms of books that have or will be published, the number is seven (so far). 

Which genres do you write?  

I write fictional stories, mostly with lots of humor.

What do you find most challenging writing for these genres? 

Making sure that the reader will get my sense of humor! What seems obviously funny to me is not always apparent to someone else.

What are you working on now? 

I’m working on more picture books and an early reader series.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters? 

Honestly, inspiration can come anywhere at any time! Whenever I find something extra interesting, funny, scary, etc., it makes me wonder if there’s a story waiting to be told.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?  

Getting to read my books to kids and seeing their reactions. I love to hear them laughing at the funny parts and answering all their questions.

What advice would you give to authors just starting out? 

Find a great critique group who will give you honest, helpful feedback.

What message are you sharing in your books? 

I try to make my messages subtle so the reader doesn’t feel like the story is weighed down by them. But usually they are about appreciating what you already have.

What are your favorite books/authors? 

So many! My favorite picture book of all time is Maurice Sendak’s OUTSIDE OVER THERE. And I will always love Roald Dahl’s THE WITCHES, which is one of the books that inspired me to create my own stories. 

For “grown-up” books, I enjoy short story collections by Kelly Link and Jhumpa Lahiri.

What are your favorite movies, TV shows? 

I really enjoyed VEEP. For movies, I can watch MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS anytime and get pulled right back in. 

When you’re not writing where can we find you? 

Hanging out with my family.

A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie? 

I haven’t written this yet, but it would be a scene on a beach where I am in the background, relaxing with a cool drink. 

Obviously, I would have to spend a lot of time preparing for the role.

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do? 

I suppose I’d ask if he needed a tissue and some water.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc? 

I do! On Facebook you can find me @ArielBBooks, and my website is:

Where can we find your books? 

You can find my books in libraries and bookstores (or requested if they are not there). Also, my books can be ordered through IndieBound, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.

Thank you, Ariel, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck!

Interview With Author Jesse Frankel

By way of introduction, here is J.S. Frankel’s bio.
J.S. Frankel was born in Toronto, Canada and grew up there, receiving his tertiary education from the University of Toronto and graduating with a double major in English Literature and Political Science.

After working at Gray Coach Lines for a grand total of three years, he came to Japan at twenty-six and has been there ever since, teaching English to all students who enter his hallowed school of learning.

In 1997, he married Akiko Koike. He, his wife and his two children, Kai and Ray, live in Osaka. His hobbies include weight training, watching movies when his writing schedule allows, and listening to various kinds of music. 

Now that I’ve introduced you to J.S., let’s get to know him a little better.

Hello, J.S., welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

What inspired you to be a writer?

I had an idea one day a few years ago for a story, and something inside me compelled me to put pen to paper. I think people are natural storytellers, but I wanted to do something special, and so… here we are!

Is writing your full-time profession?

No, not yet, anyway. I work as an ESL teacher and edit on the side. I’d love to become a full-time author, but those funds have to roll in first.

How long have you been writing?

Only about six years.

Have you won any awards?

I’ve won a few minor awards, but those are nothing, really. My biggest ‘award’—or reward,—is if someone says, “I loved your book!”

How many books have you written?

So far, thirty-five. I’ve got more on the way.

Which genre do you write?

YA Fantasy, with a lot of action, a bit of romance, and usually a happy ending.

What do you find most challenging writing for this genre?

There are a lot of tropes in any genre. I try to subvert those tropes if I can, or make fun of them in some way. What I really want is to make each book unique and fresh.

What are you working on now?

Right now, I’m editing an old story of mine and cutting it down. I may self-publish it or submit it. I haven’t decided.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?
I look at the world around me, the events unfolding, and I let my mind wander where it will. Inspiration is all around us; you just have to think about it.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

Having people compliment me on my style and stories. That’s good enough for me.

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

Cliché time: don’t give up. I was rejected over fifty times before someone took a chance on me. Keep writing, study the art, and improve. Let no one dissuade you from achieving your goal!

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

I’m not very exciting; I don’t go on Bond missions every single day, except in my head. Hmmm… well, I’m a resident of Japan and I speak the language well enough. My wife is Japanese, and we make our home in Osaka. That’s about it, really.

What message are you sharing in your books?

Essentially that you can overcome the odds if you work hard enough at it. All my characters are underdogs, the fringers of society, and they have an every person quality to them. No person is a failure as long as they try. It’s a cliché, yes, but one I wholeheartedly believe in.

What are your favorite books/authors?

Favorite authors would be Robert McCammon—Gone South is his best work, in my opinion, and Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Inferno stands alone in sci-fi/fantasy, to me, anyway.

What are your favorite movies, TV shows?

I watch little TV these days, but I love the original Star Trek.
Movie-wise, anything superhero. Ironman, Batman, Wonder Woman…they all rock.

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

I’m usually on Facebook or Twitter.

A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie?

Anything is okay, as long as I don’t end up as the first victim!

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?

Run like crazy and hope I don’t mutate!

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

I’m on Facebook at

Where can we find your books?

You can find them here!–> (Amazon)
Or here

Thank you, Jesse, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck!

Photo courtesy of: Brian Merrill; courtesy of: Pixabay

Interview With Author Christen Stovall

Christen Stovall is no stranger to hard work and the soul-searching struggle of profound loss. Shortly after marrying, Christen’s soul mate and husband ended his own life.

To cope with this devastating loss, Christen turned to writing as a way of making sense of it all. This mourning process conceived her trilogy The Song of Souls Trilogy.

Christen lives Kansas in the home she and her late husband shared. 

Now that I’ve introduced you to Christen let’s get to know her a little better.

Hello, Christen, and welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

What inspired you to be a writer?

I can’t really say it was one defining moment. I can’t remember a time
when I didn’t engage in some form of storytelling. I’ve always daydreamed, or imagined detailed stories in my head.

More than one teacher told my parents I was “a good student, but she’s constantly daydreaming.” It wasn’t until I was in my mid-teens that the idea of actually writing a story occurred to me.

It became something of an addiction after that though it was still years before I considered writing a book.

Is writing your full-time profession?

Yes. I do some odd jobs on the side, but writing is my career and absolute focus.

How long have you been writing?

I was sixteen the first time I wrote out one of my stories. I’ve always been a storyteller though.

Photo courtesy of: Christen Stovall

How many books have you written?

I have published the first two books of the Song of Souls: Soulbound and Soulfire. The third book, Boundless, is going through the editing process now. It’s scheduled for release in August of this year.

Which genres do you write?

High fantasy, with some romance mixed in, but that’s secondary. I will probably branch out occasionally but fantasy is my passion. 

What do you find most challenging writing for these genres?

Finding new ways to tell the kind of stories I enjoy. I want to give my work a timeless quality and enjoy mixing classic fairytale and folklore aspects.

The difficulty with that is that it’s become super trendy to brand those kinds of things as “tropey.” I try to give them a twist, but there will always be critics.

Photo courtesy of: Christen Stovall

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

That’s not a simple answer. Each character I come up with is inspired in a different way.

My experiences inspired in the Song of Souls Trilogy heroine, Aislynn, and her Soulmate, Rorin, and the struggles as a young widow. They were inspired by my own experiences, but are not meant to represent myself, or my late husband.

It’s more a representation of the complexity of grief, and of moving forward after loss. Other characters have been inspired by friends, and some are inspired by a piece of music, or even a single look on an actor’s face in a movie or TV show.

Inspiration is literally everywhere if you keep your eyes and ears open to it.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

When a reader contacted me and told me how much my books, and my own story had impacted her. Her husband was killed in an accident a few months prior to discovering my books.

We exchanged messages for some time, but have lost touch since. Knowing it helped her in some way makes everything worthwhile.

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

Write all the time, even if it’s just for fun. Also, and this one is crucial, hire a PROFESSIONAL editor. Do not ask a friend, get someone who will rip your work apart and force you to grow and improve.

No matter how good your story is, or how proficient your writing, you need an unbiased pair of eyes. Get an editor, park the ego, and listen to what your editor tells you.

They aren’t there to fawn over you and tell you how great you are. An editor is there to tell you what you’re doing wrong and how to be better.

Photo courtesy of: Goran Horvat; courtesy of: Pixabay
If you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can call the US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text 741741 for free, confidential support via text message.

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

I would actually. I want people to know about my personal story because it has so much impact on my writing. When I was twenty-eight, after a year and a half of marriage, my husband ended his life. I was devastated.

In the blink of an eye it shattered all my hopes and dreams beyond measure. We didn’t have children, our life together was only beginning. Suicide doesn’t bring an end to a person’s pain, it only puts that pain on the people they loved. It’s a tragic and terrible reality to face.

But I persevered and found my strength and my smile again.  I also found my voice, and the inspiration for the Song of Souls Trilogy was born. Writing these books has helped me work through and share my story in a way that felt safe and comfortable.

They’ve given a legacy to my time with my husband and meaning to all the pain of losing him. I will write other books, but these will always have special meaning.

What message are you sharing in your books?

That no matter what happens in your life, there’s always hope. You can overcome anything if you believe in yourself and hold to that. Live your life from a place of love, for the people around you, and for yourself.

Photo courtesy of: Christen Stovall

What are your favorite books/authors?

Tolkien’s work is a definite favorite of mine, and a big impact on my writing. Juliet Marrillier is probably my favorite author though. Her Sevenwaters Series is AMAZING! If you’ve never read her work, you should start today.

I recommend the aforementioned Sevenwaters Series, (it’s my favorite). The first book is Daughter of the Forest. It’s a brilliant retelling of the fairytale The Six Swans. I’m not usually a fan of retold stories, but this one is amazing.

What are your favorite movies, TV shows?

As far as movies go, name a fantasy film and it’s probably on my list. A few worth mentioning specifically are Lord of the Rings (obviously), The Princess Bride, Willow, Stardust, The Wizard of Oz.

My favorite TV series include The Tudors, Outlander, Game of Thrones, Versailles, Legend of the Seeker, most of the Star Trek Series, Once Upon a Time (though the later seasons were a bit redundant), and The Last Kingdom.

I recently started watching Bodyguard as well. It’s not my usual taste, but well done.

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

Well, Facebook, Twitter (though I’m not great about tweeting, lol), Instagram, Goodreads, and possibly Realm of the Mist Entertainment.

I used to co-host an online radio show there but stepped back to finish my trilogy. I have since been approached to return, but we’re looking at whether it can be worked out with my schedule.

Guilty pleasure admission, I love the online game Star Wars: The Old Republic and have been known to sneak around as an Imperial agent by the name of Inari-zun in a galaxy far, far away, lol.

A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie?

Totally a thing I’ve imagined, lol. Presumably, it would be made into three movies since I have a book trilogy. I think in the first one I’d like to be one of the Soulbound.

In the second, I think it would be fun to be a random baddie that one of my heroes takes out. I’m not sure about the third book, something that has a bit more meaning, I suppose.

Agent 12-25 from Chris Kringle’s Cops

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?

Offer him a tissue and a lozenge, and ask if he can help me get into Rivendell, lol.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

I do!
Book page –

Twitter –

Instagram –

Goodreads –

I’m currently looking into creating a new website.

Where can we find your books?

Amazon, Barnes and Noble (upon request), a limited number of bookstores in Kansas, and through me personally for residents of the United States.

Thank you, Christen, for spending time with us and sharing your story. It is wonderful to hear how you turned your greatest struggle into a creative strength. We wish you continued success and lots of luck!

Photo courtesy of: Christen Stovall

Interview With Author Ashley Munoz

Ashley Munoz is a mother, a wife, a blogger and has recently become a published author. Her first novel debuted in September 2018.

Ashley believes in going after your dreams and all the hard work that goes along with it. She enjoys a good cup of coffee, fantasy novels, and almost anything that is swoon worthy.

Ashley lives in Oregon with her husband and four children.

Now that I’ve introduced you to Ashley let’s get to know her a little better.

Photo courtesy of: Ashley Munoz

Hello, Ashley, and welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

What inspired you to be a writer?

—Honestly, I’ve always enjoyed writing. I blogged a ton before I actually launched into publishing. But it was reading that made me want to take the leap. That saying, “write the story you want to read…” got stuck in my head and I just wrote until I owned that story.

Is writing your full-time profession?

—-Yes, that and staying home with my two-year-old.

Photo courtesy of: Ashley Munoz

How long have you been writing?

—- Blogging for nearly five years, but I debuted as a published author in September of 2018.

How many books have you written?

—I just finished my second full length novel.

Which genres do you write? 

–Right now, contemporary romance but I have started a YA Fantasy book.

Photo courtesy of: Ashley Munoz

What do you find most challenging writing for these genres?

— Contemporary Romance is fun to write but I find it difficult to challenge myself to turn the story into something that hasn’t been done before. Use different words and phrases that haven’t been seen in other romance books.

Part of this is not filling my books with sex scenes. I have nothing against authors who do, there’s certainly a market for that, but for my own work; I have to push for more. With the YA Fantasy- I find it difficult to world build.

What are you working on now?

—I’m currently co writing a romantic comedy with my best friend who’s also a full time author.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

—No place in particular- they just show up in my head and talk.

Photo courtesy of: Ashley Munoz

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work? 

— Getting messages from people about how much my work has touched them or how much they loved my book.

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

— Grow thick skin and invite only the critique from people who’ve walked this road into your life. Other people’s voices and opinions will only weigh you down. Don’t give up, don’t compare your first draft to someone’s completed one.

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

– I have four children. I wrote my debut book from the Google docs app on my cell phone while I nursed my infant son. I turned every sleepless night into a work in progress. Every carpool pick up was turned into a new chapter that was written. It’s not easy to grab your dreams, just start somewhere.

What message are you sharing in your books?

— I focus a lot on overcoming emotional adversity in my heroine’s. They have to dig deep to overcome demons that have tried to hold them back. My stories are about victory and strength; standing again after being knocked down.

What are your favorite books/authors?

-—Anything Mariana Zapata has written. I also love LJ Shen, Devney Perry, Penny Reid, Dannika Dark, Ilona Andrews, and Sarah J Maas. Favorite Books: Wait For It– Mariana Zapata- Under Locke by Mariana Zapata. Court of Thornes and Roses by Sarah J Maas. Beauty and the Mustache by Penny Reid. Vicious by Lj Shen. Tattered by Devney Perry. The Seven Series by Dannika Dark. The Kate Daniel Series by Ilona Andrews.

What are your favorite movies, TV shows?

— Movies: Green Street Hooligans, The Boondock Saints, Knockaround Guys, The God Father, Alice and Wonderland (Tim Burton’s Version) Maleficent– Tv Shows: Parks N Rec, Outlander, The Office, Gilmore Girls.

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

— Doing something with my family- Hiking, cuddling under blankets while we watch a Redbox movie, the park, or in the backyard.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

Yes- www.ashleymunozbooks.com

Where can we find your books?           

Currently my books are exclusively on Amazon.

Thank you, Ashley, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck!

Photo courtesy of: Ashley Munoz

Interview With Top Female Author Melanie S. Pronia

Melanie S. Pronia has many things to be proud of in her life. Besides being an award-winning author, her oldest son is in the United States Marines and her youngest is interested in a career in Forensic Science.

An adventurer at heart, Melanie loves her life and doesn’t want to waste a minute. She enjoys traveling, trying new foods, visiting cemeteries, and brewing her own wine and beer. Salute! 

Melanie lives in Florida with her husband and fellow novelist, John Maycumber.

Now that I’ve introduced you to Melanie, let’s get to know her a little better.

Hello, Melanie, and welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

Photo courtesy of: Melanie S. Pronia

A BIG Congratulations on winning The Author’s Show 2018 Top Female Authors.

Thank you.

Can you tell us about your writing journey and how you came to win the award for The Author’s Show?

I started writing a lot of poetry when I was 14, then wrote my first novel when I was 17.

Photo courtesy of: Melanie S. Pronia

What inspired you to be a writer? 

My third grade teacher, Mrs. Harrison, was an aspiring writing and shared her stories with our class. I loved her and them.

Is writing your full-time profession?

Oh, how I wish, but no, not yet.

How long have you been writing?

Since I could hold a pencil.

Photo courtesy of: Melanie S. Pronia

How many books have you written?

I have six published books.

Which genres do you write?       

Paranormal, Psychological Drama, Horror, Non-fiction and True Crime.

What do you find most challenging writing for these genres?

I like for my writing to be honest and accurate.

Photo courtesy of: Melanie S. Pronia

What are you working on now?

I am writing the sequel to, Descent, which is the novel that won the Top Female Authors Contest. I am also working on a non-fiction called, At Death’s Door and a fiction series titled, Witch Way.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

Many places, a creepy looking man on a street corner, my friends with some layers added and removed and people I am not entirely fond of as antagonists. I also get a lot of inspiration from my dreams.

Photo courtesy of: Melanie S. Pronia

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work? 

Winning the Grand Prize in the Top Female Authors contest!

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

Write, write and write some more. Cut down on TV time and try to write something at least four times a week.

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

I do extensive research for my books, both fiction and non-fiction.

Photo courtesy of: Melanie S. Pronia

What message are you sharing in your books?

That there is no normal.

What are your favorite books?

The Earth Children Series by Jean M. Auel, and Cat Magic by Whitley Strieber.

What are your favorite movies, TV shows?

For movies, I prefer intelligent thrillers and coming of age stories. For TV shows, The Handmaid’s Tale, Six Feet Under, and Dexter.

Photo courtesy of: Melanie S. Pronia

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

I love to be outside exploring Nature or historic sights. I enjoy antiquing, thrift shops, and socializing with friends.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

Yes, my website is:    My Facebook author page is:

And I am currently offering the first book in my Witch Way series for free at:

Where can we find your books?

All of them are available at

Thank you, Melanie, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck!

Interview With Author Derek Keeling

Derek Keeling is a man of many words. So many in fact, that he started writing as a teenager and hasn’t stopped. He turned this love of words into an award-winning journalistic career. His writing has also been featured in numerous books, magazines, blogs, websites and more.

Now that I’ve introduced you to Derek let’s get to know him a littler better.

Hello, Derek, and welcome. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

What inspired you to be a writer?

It actually began years ago, when I was a young teen. I had to take summer school for a class to receive my Certificate of Initial Mastery. For some reason, I had failed the English test and had the option of either taking summer school or being held back. During that class I learned how to craft a story and created a short story called, Matchbox Zombies.

 The teacher thought it was such great writing that she had me stand up in front of the entire class and read it, of which I was the only one to do so. The class was enthralled by my story. That single seed of writing is what has bloomed my passion for it to this day. For note, I did end up passing and receiving my Certificate of Initial Mastery.

Is writing your full-time profession?

I am thankful to have been able to have writing as my full-time profession for quite some time. I am currently the content writer and social media coordinator for a prominent senior living company.

Before that I was the editor for a newspaper in South Dakota. Even further back I wrote for a magazine and an online music review website. It’s been quite the blessing to have been able to take my love of writing and make it into a career.

How long have you been writing?

I have been writing in a serious capacity for 18 years, since I was 14 years old. There have been stints where I focused on music and other things, but I would always write. Even if it was just in a journal or song lyrics.

Can you tell us about your experiences as a journalist?

Being a journalist was a really great experience. I began as the featured writer and photographer, but soon after was promoted to editor-in-chief.

I worked for a weekly newspaper, so it was a little more laid back than your typical daily newspaper. I am thankful for a really great run as editor. I won an award for best featured article in South Dakota in 2015. All in all, it was a great experience.

How has being a journalist influenced your work?

Being a journalist has a weird way of pointing out your shortcomings as a writer. It really helped me hone my craft and brought out my innate ability to research. That has really helped in my writing a lot.

How many books have you written?

Technically, I have written a total of three books. The first one I ever wrote was a very short collection of poems and photographs. It is however, unavailable anymore.

The second book, or what I refer to as my first book, or novel rather, is a book I wrote and published in 2010-2011 called The Umbras. You can find it on Amazon.

My current novel, and that of which I am most proud, will be officially available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and select book stores on March 2, 2019.

It’s called, Nomad’s Island. This book was written between 2016 and 2018 and is my most accomplished work to date. I have never been more proud of an inanimate object.

Which genre do you write?

This may sound a bit pretentious, but I don’t like to constrict my writing down to a single genre. However, I have come up with a term that seems to be sufficient with readers and does tend to lend itself quite well to my style. I am a “twist-writer”.

Meaning, my books attempt to have a very intense twist within them that catches the reader off-guard. The Umbras had a twist that people still comment about to this day. Nomad’s Island has a couple of really big twists that may just blow reader’s minds.

 I like to have the freedom to dabble with mystery, suspense, thriller, horror, action, adventure, romance, or whatever else hits my inspiration. I honestly am not sure I could ever tie myself down into a single category. I like to write the story that I would want to read and that inspires me.

What do you find most challenging writing for these genre?

 Because I do not limit myself to a single genre, I find nothing challenging about it. I mean, there are lots of challenges in their own right, but I have never been wanting to write a story but couldn’t because I am only a romance author. I think that kind of categorization could really limit an author’s ability to tell a great story.

What are you working on now?

At the current moment I am in the process of getting ready to write a two, maybe three part book series. There’s always a lot of planning involved, so it’ll be a while before the pen hits the paper, so to speak.

I have been working heavily on marketing and promoting my upcoming novel, Nomad’s Island. That is a lot of work itself. Thankfully, with my background, marketing is easier than it would be without it.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

That’s a great question. I would have to say my family, friends, and the ether. Sometimes I just create a character and they tend to develop a personality of their own, sometimes they are reflected from people close to me.

In the case of Nomad’s Island, the main character is named Damon. He is actually mimicked after a younger version of myself. I wanted to do what Damon wanted to do years ago, which is travel to an island and live off the land.

Unfortunately, my experience failed within a week. His, while also failed, lasted for a considerably longer time. However, Damon’s experience on Nomad’s Island was not really all that pleasant.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

Hearing or reading about people talking about my book. Seeing the shear excitement people get. I was surprised by how many people can’t wait to read Nomad’s Island. That is such a cool feeling. As with any author, I hope it lives up to the hype.

What advice would you give to authors or journalists just starting out?

They’ll hear it all the time, but it’s honestly the best advice: keep writing. The more you write and practice your skills, the better you’ll get.

Write for fun, write for free, write professionally, and learn everything you can about writing. I’m still learning and I’ve been doing this for many years.

When writing a novel, stick with it. As long as you’re moving forward, you’ll get to the end eventually. Edits, drafts, and other things will all happen soon enough. Just get your story on paper.

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

First off, thank you! When you read my story it helps to fulfill a dream of mine and I am deeply thankful. I love writing and I am always trying to improve my abilities and broaden the worlds which I create.

I welcome feedback from anyone that reads my stories. As of recent, I have been inspired by a new person, my daughter, Daphne. She is almost two years old and is full of life and spunk.

It’s amazing what a tiny little human will do to you. Between my wife and my daughter, I am rich in love and life. They are my inspirations to keep moving forward with my writing.

What message are you sharing in your books?  

With Nomad’s Island I am trying to convey the message of adventure and the power of the human mind and its will to survive. There are tons of stories of human survival that baffle me.

With Nomad’s Island, I tried to add in another angle, however. Another human stalking the lone survivor from the jungle’s edge. I find it best summed up with this saying: what was lost, has been found.

What are your favorite books/authors?

I’ve always been a fan of adventure books. Nomad’s Island has some roots in old pirate books and their ilk. Specifically, The Mutiny on the Bounty by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall has been a favorite of mine for many years.

A kid’s classic, A Ghost in the Noonday Sun by Sid Fleischman is a short, amazing book that has such a cool storyline. I’ve also enjoyed more recent novels, like Into the Wild and The Final Frontiersman.

Both amazing stories of survival and adventure. Being a journalist, I also found a weird home with Gonzo journalist, Hunter S. Thompson. His writing is so fluid, natural, and raw.

What are your favorite movies, TV shows?

There are also a lot of shows that I enjoy. A decent amount of research was done for Nomad’s Island by watching Survivorman.

I’m really into older TV shows, like Cheers, Frasier, Newsradio, and Married With Children. However, I do enjoy a lot off cooking shows, like the Great British Baking Show, Chopped, Good Eats, etc.

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

Probably sleeping. Ha! No, but considering I write from 8-5 p.m. and then write on my free time, too, chances are I’d be sleeping. But, I also like to enjoy relaxing at the beach, eating at a restaurant, or enjoying a latte at a local coffeehouse.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

I do have a website, however it’s not quite done yet, and as you can see I haven’t even purchased the domain yet:

My Facebook page is the best place to see what’s going on with me and stay updated.

I’m also pretty active on my Instagram page:

Where can we find your books?

You can find both Nomad’s Island and The Umbras at my Amazon author page:

You’ll also be able to find Nomad’s Island at Barnes & Noble and other select bookstores.

Thank you for your support. I truly appreciate it.

You’re welcome, Derek, thank you for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lost of luck!