Eye Of The Nomad Book Tour

A young prince begins his quest for purpose in this epic first installment in the War of Fear Historical Fiction Trilogy

Eye of the Nomad 

War of Fear Book 1 

by Umberto Nardolicci

Genre: Historical Fiction 

#1 New Release in Historical Asian Fiction

Based on actual events surrounding Genghis Khan’s death squad of special operators, known as The Mangoday, this historic saga immerses the reader in a spellbinding tale of life, love, and revenge that will leave you breathless…

Book I, Eye of the Nomad, so begins the legend of Yasotay, a gifted young prince whose search for purpose takes a dramatic turn saving an illiterate nomad from captivity. He embarks on a hero’s journey far from home to learn the true meaning of life. Murder, kidnapping, and revenge soon find Yasotay in a thrilling race against time to save someone he loves from a fate worse than death.

Author Umberto Nardolicci takes the reader to the 12th-century Eurasian Steppe in this heart-pounding tale of adventure.

What readers are saying:

“A superbly written and researched tale of high adventure and deeply felt family and tribal ties.”

 -Goodreads Reviewer

“Have an interest in historical fiction? War of Fear is a must-read… The character development and portrayal of the times in which the characters lived make for an exciting and wondrous read. The stage is set, the anticipation palpable; I am very much looking forward to reading the next book in the series.” – Goodreads Reviewer

“This book truly kept me on my toes. The writing was so vivid and descriptive that I felt like I was physically present in each scene.” – Amazon Reviewer

“Eye of the Nomad is a riveting story that will keep you hooked from its beginning through to the last page. The story not only offers intrigue, heroism and passion, it also presents an incredible history lesson into one of the most mystifying and exciting periods of human existence.” – Goodreads Reviewer

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DLT2YJP6

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/eye-of-the-nomad-war-of-fear-book-1-by-umberto-nardolicci

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212062260-eye-of-the-nomad

Book Trailer:


Jin, Capital of Zhongdu, late spring, 1165 CE 

Feet spread shoulder-length apart, Emperor Shizong, dark-haired and clean-cut, peered down at the ornate stick in the grip of his delicate, privileged hands.

“I am intrigued by this…this child and his potential,” proclaimed Shizong, appearing relaxed and focused on playing his game of chuiwan.

The eyes of the sixty or so guests in attendance were glued to the emperor’s every move. The tip of Shizong’s tongue slightly protruded from the left corner of his mouth as he concentrated on aligning the f at end of his stick with the wooden ball at his feet.

He was comfortable performing in front of a crowd. His next move was to strike the ball toward the hole in the lawn, two-and-a-half paces away, all the while trying to converse with Master Chang, which was proving to be a challenge for the priest.

“It’s all very interesting, my emperor,” responded Chang, mildly irritated by the lapses in their conversation. This silly game is a distraction; why did he call me here? “My emperor, I am still unsure how you see this child relating to our efforts?”

Chang’s formal, deep-red daopao robes, tied at his lean waist by a black dadai belt, and his simple black hat topped with a round, silver pin made him appear positively priestly.

Chang was shadowed by his watchful and silent lead assistant, Master Gao, who was nearly identical in appearance and stance. The priest maintained a respectful tone and a pleasing smile with the emperor, but the beleaguered look on his usually kind face betrayed his frustration. 

“He’s an amazing young man,” said Shizong. Noticing Chang’s irritation, a wry smile formed on the emperor’s face, whose prickly whiskers ran around his mouth and down to his chin.

He mumbled something as if he were talking to himself. Focusing on the immediate challenge, he lightly struck the ball with his jewel-encrusted stick. The perfectly round wooden ball, not much bigger than a walnut, rolled toward the hole in the lawn six chi away.

The eyes of everyone in attendance were fixated on the ball as it moved across the well-manicured grass toward the impeccably cut round hole, measuring just under a half chi in diameter and depth. 

“Go…IN…,” playfully exclaimed the emperor. A smile spread from his pursed lips into a broad grin as the ball approached the hole. The emperor quickly stepped forward in unison as the ball spilled into the hole, making a hollow, cavernous noise as it hit the bottom of the wooden cup.

Light applause erupted in the south garden from the guests gathered to watch their emperor play chuiwan with the elegant Lady Shimo. Only those in his favor were allowed the privilege of observing today’s game in the blistering sun.

The midday shadows sheltered small portions of the south garden, giving shade to just a fortunate few. Today’s parade of gentry, arrayed in their colorful hanfu, comprised almost all the fashionable elite of the 12th-century Jin Empire. 

“I think he’s adorable,” purred Lady Shimo, the emperor’s kittenish courtesan whose floral-red, exquisitely designed hanfu hung down in the back, making her look as if she had a tail.

“I asked him about the Buddha, and his answer was, was…precious.” Then, the pretty paramour, whose apple-red cheeks and plump round bottom had won the emperor’s favor, brought her stick back and struck her ball toward the same hole.

“See, I think the fair lady is infatuated with the young boy, and I think you will be too, Chang,” said the emperor as he admired Lady Shimo’s sultry body move sprightly with the roll of her ball directly into the hole at his feet.

“Nice shot!” exclaimed the emperor with a playful grin that showed his pearly white teeth. All those in attendance, while subdued, did show their appreciation with nods, hand gestures, and verbal displays of approval.

“You will see, Master Chang, you will see!” chided the emperor as he retrieved his ball from the hole. “Have you ever played chuiwan?” he asked the priest. “It originated hundreds of years ago; I think it was called buda in the Tang Dynasty…it’s great fun!”

“I look forward to meeting him, my Emperor,” replied the venerated Master Chang, who was one of the North’s seven most respected and venerated Taoist priests. As a disciple of the most revered Master Wang Chong, he was no ordinary priest. “And no, my Emperor, I have never had the pleasure of playing chuiwan.” 

“That’s three hits for you and four for me, Wulu. You always win,” Lady Shimo teased in a playful voice. Hearing her use his intimate name, never used in public, made his cheeks flush just a little.

The emperor handed his ornate stick to one of the eunuch assistants among the crowd of those waiting to serve him. Eunuchs attended to his every need, from consoling him on military machinations to wiping his nether region. They were a valued commodity within the imperial palace. 

“Oh, here he is now!” exclaimed Lady Shimo loudly, her baby face bubbling and body bouncing while she excitedly clapped her hands in a light and rapid fashion. 

Princess Jia and her son Yasotay entered the sun-soaked south lawn through the Moon Gate, a large circular opening in the garden wall covered in tangled green vines and adorned with hundreds of little white flowers.

It was one of the main entrances to the emperor’s residence. A woman, who appeared to be somewhat older than the princess, followed two paces behind the pair, a governess to the young boy. 

Princess Jia was radiant in her flowing, floor-length, deep royal blue silk hanfu. The gold-colored piping around its edges matched the intricately folded gold sash around her middle.

Her delicate footwear, also gold with royal blue stitching, rounded out the stunning and well-planned presentation of the twenty-year-old princess as she walked through the Moon Gate. With every intricate detail of her beautiful face, thin lips, large brown eyes, and attire fashioned 

to present a very delicate, refined, and contrived look, her natural beauty was almost obscured. 

“Princess Jia and young Yasotay, I would like to introduce you to Master Chang,” said the emperor. 

“It is my pleasure to meet you, Princess Jia, and certainly you, young Yasotay!” greeted Chang. “I have already heard so much about you.”

While he deeply bowed, a small pair of round hazel eyes, those of the five-year-old child’s, calmly held Chang’s gaze.

The child’s face had been dusted with a thin coat of white powder, making his eyes and their startling hazel hue stand out.

Dressed in a plain cream tunic with a blood-red sash around his middle to match his silk trousers, the young boy responded, “It is also an honor to meet you, Master Chang.” 

Princess Jia, reflexively fussing with and straightening the bottom of Yasotay’s jacket, noticed the prized dragon figurine held tightly in the boy’s hand.

Princess Jia hissed and whispered in an aggravated tone, “Yasotay, give me that.” The green figurine seemed enormous compared to his tiny hands. The boy refused, tightened his hold, and looked to his governess instead.

Mana held out her hand and smiled kindly at him with warm eyes, and Yasotay handed the dragon over. Chang looked on at this exchange and smiled.

“Good, now we’ll show what this young boy can do. Let’s see,” the emperor paused, thinking, “What can I ask him?”

Cupping the palm of his hand under his chin with his fingers on his cheek, he was thinking intently, getting straight to the task at hand.

Yasotay looked to Mana, and she responded with a slight affirmative nod and another warm, encouraging smile. The young man turned his attention back to the emperor and Master Chang. 

“I have one,” proclaimed the emperor to Master Chang. “I have a question for young Yasotay, which will honor you and your interest in ethical matters.”

Chang bowed in appreciation. Ten, the emperor looked directly at Yasotay and said, “I would like you to recite section seventy-four of the Tao Te Ching.”

“Stand up straight and answer the question!” ordered Princess Jia to her son, who was already standing perfectly straight. 

Yasotay took one small step forward and began to speak, “If men are not afraid to die, it is of no avail to threaten them with death. If men constantly fear dying, and breaking the law means a man will be killed, who will dare break the law? The official executioner kills. Substituting him is like substituting the master carpenter who carves; you can do so, but one rarely escapes harm.”

“Very well said. Well done, young man!” responded Chang with a broad smile, mildly surprised that this child, whose appearance and doll-like performance conjured thoughts of a trained monkey, could articulate so clearly from the great works of Master Lao Tzu. 

“But do you know what it means?” asked Chang in a jocular tone bordering on sarcasm.

“All creatures fear death,” said Yasotay matter-of-factly. “Master Lao knows that each of us fghts our own internal war of fear. Once cornered by death, both man and beast do but one of two things: fight with fury or cower in fear!”

The young man paused for a moment in thought. “Plagues, wars, and famine make death a daily reminder; people lose faith…they cower.

Master Lao was speaking to those in authority, those leaders who choose to kill deviants, and others who disobey the law.

Leaders must be careful not to create too much fear within those they lead, lest they become immune to death as a deterrent, which makes them more inclined to strike out in response.

Teir yearning for a supreme god and the hope for something or someplace better renews faith! Therefore, the belief in a god is both useful and difficult when managing the affairs of state.” 

His young voice changed tempo when he expressed the afterthought, “The closing point, referencing the master carpenter and the executioner, merely argues that those trained and conditioned for killing are best kept to their calling.”

Chang’s long, clean-shaven face began to change color, turning visibly red. His visions of a trained monkey were long gone. Not sure what to say, mouth gaping wide, totally surprised, he instinctively responded, “Yes, well, I agree, interesting, and thank you for that!”

“He’s a bit of a know-it-all,” proclaimed the emperor, breaking up the awkward moment. “But I believe that if you are building this library of all known knowledge, as you put it, to discover some supreme singular…”

“My Emperor!” interrupted Chang, speaking over him. One of the eunuchs drew his breath in loudly at this breach of protocol. No one ever interrupts the emperor. 

“Yes, I know, Chang, secrecy and all, but someone like young Yasotay here could be a valuable addition to our efforts.” The emperor did the signature twirl of his chin whiskers with the side of his left index finger. 

“Your staff seems less than satisfactory for this effort! Have you considered bringing on others?” asked the emperor, giving Yasotay an affectionate pat on the back while extending a dubious glance at the less-than-satisfactory Gao.

The emperor’s slight was received loud and clear by Chang’s principal assistant, who just stood there, silently observing their interactions. His teal-colored daopao, typical Taoist attire, was aged and slightly faded but with perfect folds and creases. 

“Yes, Emperor, I understand your point,” said Chang with a nod, not actually comprehending the point or even thinking about an answer. Still, the bewildered look on his face revealed much. Chang was struggling to understand what he had just witnessed with this child. 

“He is still too young,” said Princess Jia hesitantly. “The emperor must be talking about once he is of age for such things.”

“Yes, obviously, Jia, I’m not looking to pull the baby from the breast,” the emperor conceded.

After expressing an odd look of surprise and confusion with his brow furrowed, he continued, “It seems that for now, Master Chang will have to rely on understudies who are hopefully smart enough to understand what we are handsomely paying to collect.”

Then, as an additional intentional insult, the emperor mocked Chang, whispering, “…and, more importantly, for what purpose we labor.” 

“How old is he, four or five?” asked Chang incredulously.

“He was five just two weeks ago,” said Princess Jia.

“Five years old!” Chang hesitated for a moment to bring his emotions under control. “Young Yasotay is many years away, and I would certainly welcome him when the time comes, Emperor…I deeply apologize for any misunderstanding.”

Chang’s long face softened. “But if there is nothing further, I must take my leave.” Chang bowed deeply and awaited the emperor’s dismissal.

The emperor feigned a nod of assent and quickly turned away, which told the priest, You are fine, leave. Chang bowed for the last time toward Princess Jia and Yasotay.

Then, giving the boy one long, last look, he slipped out quietly with his shadow, Gao, trailing closely behind.

“I had heard of this child, but I wasn’t expecting THAT,” whispered Gao to Chang, dumbfounded, as they walked quickly through the Moon Gate and out of earshot from the gathering.

“What was that?” Chang exclaimed in a low, exasperated tone, seemingly speaking to himself. “That child spoke as if he possessed the intellect of an ageless master! His tone and the confidence in his voice sounded more like those of a very mature and learned person!” 

“Who is he?” asked Gao, whose low tone and mannerisms seemed to replicate Chang’s, just in a younger version.

“He is the second cousin to the emperor, Princess Jia being the emperor’s first cousin.” 

“Who is his father?” asked Gao, “that child looks different!”

“I don’t know.” Chang’s eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Princess Jia’s husband died soon after she was wed. All I know is she left Zhongdu for the port city of Pingzhou after her husband’s death and returned a year later with his child.” 

“His facial features look a little odd,” added Gao, “he almost looks foreign.” 

Chang ignored this comment. “That had to be some sort of trick,” mused Chang out loud. “I could swear I’ve read a similar opinion of Master Lao’s work.”

“Are you saying he memorized some obscure commentary on section seventy-four of the Tao Te Ching?” asked Gao. “Who would do that?”

“I don’t know what I’m saying. Maybe the emperor gave him the question in advance,” said Chang.

The priest hesitated momentarily, then continued, “Gao, I want you to talk to our friends and find out as much as you can about this child prodigy. Who his father is, his history, everything.”

“Yes, Master Chang, I will attend to it!” 

“What of the emperor breaking protocol and mentioning our project in public?” asked Gao.

“What of it?” replied Chang sharply. “He can tell what we do to everyone if he likes.”

“I don’t trust those around him! Tey latch on to him like parasites stealing crumbs from the sides of his mouth,” said Gao.

“Those fools know what we do, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change anything!”


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About The Author:

Born in upstate New York, Umberto Nardolicci is a computer engineer and businessman.

After completing service with the US Navy in 1986, he worked as an engineering consultant at Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory in the Advanced Systems Design Group.

He received his degree in Computer Science and Information Systems from the State University of New York (ESC) and, after some brief independent consulting “gigs,” co-founded Systems Made Simple (SMS) in 1991.

He managed daily operations and P&L responsibilities within SMS for 20 years as Chairman of the Board, President, and principal founder.

During his tenure, SMS evolved from a ‘garage startup’ to an industry-leading Federal Health IT Company with employees nationwide and over 350 million in sales.

SMS achieved INC 5000 honors six years running, with INC 500 honors in two of those years until its “Entrepreneurial American Dream” sale to Lockheed Martin in the Fall of 2014.

During his five-year forced sabbatical from Health IT, he focused his full-time efforts on writing War of Fear.

He put a great deal of research into this effort, which actually spans over 40 years, and began with his initial foray into martial arts and the teachings of Eastern philosophies.

Nardolicci is a disabled veteran, like his father and one of his two sons. He also has numerous relatives and friends who are veterans or currently serving in the military.

He is committed to supporting veteran organizations such as the Wound Warrior, Tunnels2Towers, Nardmoor, and the DAV.

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Author Links

Website:  https://waroffear.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/waroffeartrilogy

Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/waroffear

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Umberto-Nardolicci/author/B0DNQCTLF7

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/49485233.Umberto_Nardolicci

Vincent’s Women Book Tour

What if everything we think we know about Vincent van Gogh is all lies?

Vincent’s Women:

The Untold Story of the Loves of Vincent Van Gogh

by Donna Russo 

Genre: Historical Biographical Women’s Fiction

Donna Russo’s ‘Vincent’s Women’ is the untold story of Vincent’s loves: how they shaped his life, his art, and his death.

It writes against the ‘myths, ‘ exploring the possibility that none of them are true.

It is the only novel to bring into question his sexuality, how he lost his ear, who he lost it for, and how he might have died, all through the eyes of a woman. We learn of Her; we learn all of it through Her.

The story is guided by Johanna van Gogh Bonger, Vincent’s sister-in-law, as she decides to reveal the truth about Vincent to her son.

We are then taken on a journey through Vincent’s life, each section bringing a pivotal moment of Vincent’s life alive while showing us the part she played in bringing it about.

Between each woman, our guide, Johanna, gives us the transitional periods, right up to his death, which is now in question.

Hundreds of the nearly thousand letters between Vincent van Gogh and his brother Theo, now considered one of the greatest documents of the human experience, were used to help construct this novel, its narrative, and dialogue, especially the dialogue of Vincent himself.

Vincent van Gogh is one of the most well-known artists of all time. The world knows of his madness, traumas, and suicide.

But what if all that we know isn’t true? What if this knowledge is based on rumors and nothing more? What if his true story is vastly different when based on factual material and forensic information?

What if the truth of Vincent’s life-his madness and his genius-is defined by his never-ending search for love?

Advance Praise:

“Arresting…masterful…  a provocative and compelling look at one of history’s most enigmatic artists.”  -Publishers Weekly

 “A symphonic novel that sheds new light on an elusive genius.” -Kirkus Reviews

“Vincent’s Women represents historical fiction at its best…astute, thought-provoking, and revealing.” -Midwest Book Review

“One of the most wonderful books about an artist I have ever read.” -Stephanie Cowell, Author of Claude and Camille: a novel of Monet, and Marrying Mozart. Recipient American Book Award.

“A powerful and satisfying read.” -Lynn Cullen, Bestselling Author of The Woman with the Cure and Mrs. Poe

“The writing and dialogue are all so well done, and the use of a fictional narrative makes it all feel authentic. Very highly recommended.” -Readers’ Favorite 5-star Review

“This novel is not just a book; it is a masterful painting in itself, portraying the vibrant, volatile, and often tragic life of one of history’s most renowned artists.” -5-Star Amazon Review

“This is historical fiction at its best…a tour de force!” -5-Star Goodreads Review

“This is easily the best book I’ve read this year!” -5-star NetGalley Review

A Foreword Reviews Editorial Selection 

FINALIST Next Generation Indie Book Awards

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CF96T2B9

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/vincents-women/id6459922073

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/vincents-women-donna-russo/1143906069?ean=2940167612396

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/vincent-s-women

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/vincent-s-women-by-donna-russo-morin

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/200300623-vincent-s-women

Book Trailer:




The Netherlands

“You think you know him. You don’t. You think you know what happened to him. You do not.”


My son sputters. Tea spills as he drops his cup and saucer on the curly-legged table beside him. 

It’s not well done of me. To dive into it. But I saw his eyes glance up to the portrait, the self-portrait of his uncle, Vincent van Gogh.

My son and I were speaking of his work and mine. In mine, it is there. All I have found. All I have discovered. The string, the true thread of such surprising colors. The colors of women, of love, and of lust.

He starts to rise to his feet.

“Please don’t,” I beg. I am not ashamed to. I will beg for more. And soon. 

But he is kneeling before me as I quiver in my chair. His father’s greenish-blue eyes bore into me. I sigh from the comfort of them. My hands wring at the fear I’ve put in them.  

I cup his face in my veiny hand. His face, long like his father’s as well. But capped by the startling red hair of his uncle. 

“I am not long for this world. I feel it, my son,” I say. I know. Of that, there is no fear. Only of what I leave behind. “And when I am gone you will learn the truth. I’d rather you heard it from me.”

“Now, Mother…,” that long head shakes. I can’t stop my grin from forming as his shaggy hair flutters. He’s in need of a barber. I look at this young man as a child, I know. But he is that. My child. My only child. 

“It is all right,” I assure him. Trying desperately to for it is my truth. “I am almost ready. I will be with him, with them, again.”

I am the widow of Theo van Gogh. I am one of the women who shaped Vincent van Gogh’s life. Just one of them. I am the woman who allowed the world to discover the genius of Vincent’s art. 

Many come to me looking for answers. I have yet to give the true ones. Not even to him. I’ve guarded them. Their pain is too great. But the time has come. I can guard them no more. 

I rise. Old bones creak. I groan. 

My son, Willem, as he likes to be called, rises, and takes my arm. I lead him into my study. 

Vincent’s art covers my walls, piles in corners. The Van Gogh family letters—some I’ve translated for I speak many languages; some I’ve read but not yet translated—stalagmites of varying sizes at various places. The odd pairing of my husband’s old, carved desk with the straightly cut modern chair behind it can barely be seen. 

“This will all be—”

“You know I have little interest in all this,” Willem says, sounding like a child.

“Yes, yes,” I tut. “I know your mind bursts only when it sees numbers…your engineering.” 

Now I hear Willem chuckle softly. He knows the true depth of my pride. 

He helps me sit on one side of the beige brocade settee. I pat the other with an expectant look.

The time is drawing closer. I find it harder to swallow. I have no time for preamble. There is no time. I tire so easily these days. 

“You will read my diary.” Once more I startle him. Unintentionally so. If there is a proper way to do this, to confess others’ sins as well as my own, I do not know it. 

“Your diary?” He turns to face me. “I never knew you kept one.”

He is curious now. I’ve presented him with a puzzle. Perhaps it will help.

“I’ve kept one almost the whole of my life.” My gaze drops into my lap. “Save for the time I was married to your father.” A marriage that lasted not even two years. 

Would he ask why I didn’t write during those years? I hope not. The answer is a tangle of love and despair.

No, it is better I tell him. Tell him the all of it. No matter how it will test me. How it may hurt. I will tell him the truth. I will pray he loves me still. 

“There is the story of your uncle, of Vincent van Gogh, the story that the world has taken as truth.”

Willem has always worshipped the uncle—the man he was named for—that he knows only from my memories. The ones I’ve shown him. 

“They say he went mad because of a certain kind of disease.” I try not to blush. I lose the battle. “It is not what caused his madness. They say he cut off his ear for a prostitute. He did not cut it off for her. It may be that he did not cut it off himself. 

“And they say he killed himself.” I bang my moist hand on the fabric between us. “He…did…not.”

Willem gasps, flinches. I feel the cushion below me flutter with his jerky movements.

“But how can…why have you not—” He tries to interject. 

I pay attention to none of it. I can’t. For once begun, this spewing of truth cannot be stopped. I can only hope he will be my son—that I will live in the same place in his heart—when the telling is done. I am, at last, ready.

“I will tell you, oh, yes, I will. I will tell you the truth of him…the truth of Vincent. Me…and Her.” 


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About The Author:

Donna Russo is the bestselling author of historical fiction, women’s fiction, and fantasy including the international bestselling Novels of Newport: Gilded Summers and Gilded Dreams as well as her latest release, Vincent’s Women.

Her critically acclaimed work has been praised with multiple awards and has received a starred review in Publishers Weekly.

For more awards and reviews, please visit https://www.authordonnarusso.com/books).

Additionally, Donna worked as a model and actor since the age of seventeen, working on such projects as Martin Scorsese’s The Departed and Showtime’s Brotherhood.

Donna is also an award-winning screenwriter, ghostwriter, and painter. She holds two degrees from the University of Rhode Island. Her two sons—Devon, an opera singer; and Dylan, a chef—will always be her greatest works. 

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Author Links

Website: https://www.donnarussomorin.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDonnaRussoMorin

X:  https://x.com/AuthrDonnaRusso

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/authordonnarusso

Threads: https://www.threads.net/@authordonnarusso

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/donna-russo-morin

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Donna-Russo-Morin/author/B002YTLEQO

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2729597.Donna_Russo_Morin

A Pioneer Christmas Beyond The Oregon Trail

Can the love that binds this family deliver Christmas miracles? 

Or will the unforgiving wilderness crush their holiday spirit?

A Pioneer Christmas Beyond the Oregon Trail 

A Ghosts Among the Oregon Trail Holiday Novella 

by David Fitz-Gerald

Genre: Historical Holiday Western Adventure

Dorcas and her family endured a harrowing trip along the Oregon Trail in 1850. Now, they face their first brutal winter in the rugged wilderness. Can they survive the harsh realities of frontier life?

Devastating setbacks threaten their lives, crush their hopes, and test their faith in timeless traditions. Their cabin is unfinished. Wild animals shred their tents, ruin their food supply, and wreck their camp.

As winter closes in, a powerful storm strikes their remote homestead. How much more can they endure?

Dorcas suggests skipping Christmas to focus on survival, but her children balk. They don’t want to give up on the cherished holiday. Is Christmas a luxury they can’t afford?

When her husband, Agapito, fails to return from a critical supply run, Dorcas ventures into the wilderness with a rifle in search of food for her children.

She must brave the elements as a mountain lion stalks her through a violent winter storm.

Can the love that binds this family deliver Christmas miracles? Or will the unforgiving wilderness crush their holiday spirit?

Start reading A Pioneer Christmas Beyond the Oregon Trail today. Get wrapped up in this gripping western adventure of love, survival, and the enduring power of hope. Perfect for fans of frontier fiction and heartwarming holiday tales, this novella will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Pioneer-Christmas-Beyond-Oregon-Trail-ebook/dp/B0DHYNBNDR/

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/a-pioneer-christmas-beyond-the-oregon-trail-a-western-adventure-novella-by-david-fitz-gerald

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/219752155-a-pioneer-christmas-beyond-the-oregon-trail

**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

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Series Trailer:

Guest Post

Interview with Andrew Moon, 11 in 1850

Blogger’s Introduction: Today, we step into the dreams of Andrew, a thoughtful and determined young man from A Pioneer Christmas Beyond the Oregon Trail. Andrew’s mind is always working.

While journeying across the wilderness, he published his own daily newspaper. Someday, he hopes to attend college and become a true newspaperman.

Let’s hear his story and get a glimpse of the hopes and determination that fuel him.

Blogger: Hi Andrew! It’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard you published your own newspaper on the trail. What inspired you to do that?

Andrew: [Nods, eyes focused] Yeah, I did. It was called The Rolling Home Times. The trail was full of things happening—storms, stampedes, wagon troubles.

I thought folks needed a way to know what was going on and share news between wagons.

I’d talk to people, listen to their stories, and write it all down. It made me feel like I was part of something bigger, like I was helping keep us all together.

Blogger: That’s incredible. You must have quite the knack for storytelling. Do you still want to be a newspaperman when you grow up?

Andrew: I do. I’d love to be a real newspaperman, maybe even have my own paper someday. And I’d like to go to college, too, though I ain’t too sure what that would be like.

I just know it’s a place where you learn more and get better at things like writing and printing. But until then, I figure I’ll just keep learning out here on the frontier. And it doesn’t hurt to remember to say your prayers now and then. [He nods solemnly]

Blogger: Wise words, Andrew. I heard you helped build the family’s cabin. What was that experience like?

Andrew: [Smiles with a touch of pride] It was a lot of work, but it felt good. Agapito, Dunk, and I worked from sunrise to sunset most days. And you know, Mama cut down most of the trees herself, like she was a lumberjack.

She’s stronger than most men. Dunk and I would haul logs and notch them while Agapito made sure everything fit just right. By the end of the day, my arms ached, but it was worth it, seeing the walls go up and knowing we’d have a place to keep warm.

Blogger: Your Ma sounds amazing. And I hear you have a special way of sensing things before they happen. Is that true?

Andrew: [Looks down thoughtfully, then back up] Sometimes I get this feeling, like I know something before it happens.

It’s hard to explain, but it’s helped a time or two, like when trouble’s on the way or when there’s something important we need to do.

I don’t know if it’s luck or something else, but I trust it when it comes. Out here, you gotta take all the help you can get.

Blogger: That’s remarkable. I heard you wrote a song for Christmas, too. Can you tell me about it?

Andrew: [Smiles softly, eyes lighting up] Yeah, I wrote a song called Hope on the Horizon. It came to me while I was out working one cold morning.

I wanted to write something that made us all feel like there was a point to all our hard work. Like we were more than just settlers out here fighting the land. The chorus goes:

In this land of promise, where dreams come alive
We build a home, where hope can thrive
Through the darkest night, we find our way
Bringing light, keeping shadows at bay.

When I sang it at Christmas, Mama and the others joined in, and for a moment, it felt like we were back home, safe and warm.

Blogger: That’s beautiful, Andrew. What’s your biggest hope for the future?

Andrew: I want to write for a real newspaper one day, and I’d like to learn enough to make a good life for my family. Sure hope I can find my way to college one day.

But I know one thing for sure: telling folks about the world around them is important work. That’s what I tried to do with The Rolling Home Times. And if I can, I want to make Mama proud.

Blogger: I’m sure you already do. One last question: if you could give other kids a piece of advice about life out here, what would it be?

Andrew: I’d tell them to be ready for anything, because the frontier doesn’t play by the rules. Work hard, help your family, and don’t be afraid to dream.

And remember, even when times are tough, there’s always something to hold on to—whether it’s a song, a prayer, or the people around you.

Blogger: That’s wonderful advice, Andrew. Thank you for sharing your dreams and your story with us. Merry Christmas!

Andrew: Merry Christmas to you, too. And if you ever need news or a song, just come by. [He gives a small, proud smile as the dream fades]



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About The Author:

David Fitz-Gerald writes westerns and historical fiction. He is the author of twelve books, including the brand-new series, Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail set in 1850.

Dave is a multiple Laramie Award, first place, best in category winner; a Blue Ribbon Chanticleerian; a member of Western Writers of America; and a member of the Historical Novel Society.

Alpine landscapes and flashy horses always catch Dave’s eye and turn his head.

He is also an Adirondack 46-er, which means that he has hiked to the summit of the range’s highest peaks. As a mountaineer, he’s happiest at an elevation of over four thousand feet above sea level.

Dave is a lifelong fan of western fiction, landscapes, movies, and music.

It should be no surprise that Dave delights in placing memorable characters on treacherous trails, mountain tops, and on the backs of wild horses.

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Website: https://www.itsoag.com

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Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/David-Fitz-Gerald/author/B076CJK284

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17341792.David_Fitz_Gerald

Act Of God Book In The Beginning

What could happen if climate change forced humanity to find a new home? To make the journey we must leave behind our most cherished beliefs and hatreds and have faith that God will find us again in the stars.

Act of God 

Book 1: In the Beginning

By Jan Byron Strogh 

Genre: Science Fiction, Space Opera

Earth is facing a coming ice age. Humanity has marshalled its technology and resources in an attempt to delay the great cold; a diversion necessary to maintain hope for the people.

But some few know the truth. There is little hope left on Earth. But there may still be hope in the stars. 

Michael, ward of the church since childhood is summoned for humanity’s most ambitious and secret undertaking. Shepard the human race to a new home. 

Finished construction, 240 million kilometres from the sun is the Ark. The ship designed to carry one half million souls in suspended animation to a new world. 

But the mission of the Ark is more than simply saving the human species. Its creator, the New Unified Church must save the human spirit and accomplish what humanity never attempted; bring together the religions of the world and expunge the ancient hatreds that dominate doctrine. 

But the cost to the church will be its very existence. In order to unify, all agree that the Ark must not carry the symbols, books or even the knowledge of any of the old religions.

To survive, humanity must lose God and have faith that God will find them in the stars.

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Book Links:
FriesenPress: https://books.friesenpress.com/store/title/119734000013194194/Jan-Byron-Strogh-Act-of-God

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Act-God-Jan-Byron-Strogh-ebook/dp/B0DM2CTJVV

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/act-of-god/id6737707230

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/act-of-god-jan-byron-strogh/1146503734?ean=2940184397023

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?_bbid=239699271&_bbreg=us&_bbtype=blog&id=n4cuEQAAQBAJ

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Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/act-of-god-by-jan-byron-strogh

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/221110264-act-of-god


It felt like no time at all had passed when Michael woke again. This time the lights in the medical bay were bright.

His arms no longer felt like paper weights and the twitching was gone. As predicted, he was a bit hungry. “Hello,” he called again, sitting up on his elbows.

He looked around. The med bay looked stark and barren, and he could no longer see the panel on the wall. His was the only suspension berth in the room.

Deborah appeared from behind the berth. She smiled but looked tired and a bit haggard. “Is something wrong?” were the first words out of his mouth.

“Nothing is wrong,” she replied. “I knew you would start asking questions. That’s why I am still here, long after my shift was over. I must look like crap.” 

She pulled a chair up along side his berth and handed him a closed flask. “Here, drink this while I give you a status report.” 

He flipped open the lid of the flask and brought it to his nose. He thought he could smell vegetable soup. 

“What’s this?” he queried. “It smells like vegetable soup.”

“Very good. It is vegetable soup. Now eat,” she replied firmly.

He began to sip the liquid as she spoke. “Michael, I was not completely happy with your blood results. Your hormones are slightly elevated. I have moved you to a private room. I want to keep you here for another day of rest. There’s nothing to worry about, I am just being cautious.”

“I feel fine, can I at least get out of this tube?”

“No not yet. I don’t want any physical stress on you at the moment. I want you to finish your soup now and rest. Now, Michael, promise me you’re not going to be a difficult patient,” she pleaded.

“OK,” he conceded. “If I can’t move, how about sending one of the officers here for me to ask a few questions.” 

“Out of the question!  I have asked you to rest and you can’t rest if you’re being a commander. You know the dangers of reanimation sickness. I am not going to allow anything that might possibly upset you.”

“But you said everything was going great. What can it hurt to speak to an officer?” 

“Everything is going great. But what if the officer I send tells you that some, electro do dad, has shorted out? Even if it’s totally routine and easy to fix you might start giving orders and taking charge. I want you to rest,” she commanded.

 “Alright, alright,” he gave in, “can I at least ask what star system we’re in?” 

“Oh, so now I’m an asrto-navigator, is that it,” she complained jokingly.

“You’re going to get at least one more day of rest and another blood test before I allow you anything. Is that clear! Now everything is just fine.”

But everything was not fine, and she knew it. She needed to keep up her act. She needed him as strong and rested as possible before telling him the truth; that everything was far, far, from fine.


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About The Author:

A graduate in computer science and electronics, Jan Byron “J.B.” Strogh has had a successful career in the tech sector.

Strogh is interested in writing about the pattern of evolution manifest in both humanity and machine.

The series Act of God is based in science and contemplates the long history of human spirituality and how the two must some day converge.

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Author Links

Website: http://www.actofgod.ca/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61567722728627

Threshold Book Tour

On Threshold time travel is about to become possible. The huge space habitat, already 500 years in our future is about to go forward to a safer time and place. Aliens from the All-Time hold the keys. Wanna go?


The Threshold Series Book 1

by Janet & Chris Morris

Genre: Science Fiction Thriller Adventure

Set a millennium from now on Threshold Terminal—virtually a Grand Hotel in space— a young test pilot, Joe South, is thrust five hundred years into his future and finds himself in the thick of interstellar smuggling, intrigue, and the rough underworld of an alien environment. It is a time of danger and ever-shifting powers . . . and the destinies of a lost test pilot, an underworld scavenger, and two young lovers become irrevocably intertwined . . .

*November’s Featured Title of the month with Perseid Press!* 

**On Sale for Only $2.99!**

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Threshold-Book-1-Janet-Morris-ebook/dp/B09PRQ4P1W

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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62315061-threshold


Choice of Print or ebook of Threshold, $20 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner each! 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


About The Authors

Best selling author Janet Morris began writing in 1976 and has since published more than 30 novels, many co-authored with her husband Chris Morris or others.

Most of her fiction work has been in the fantasy and science fiction genres, although she has also written historical and other novels.

Morris has written, contributed to, or edited several book-length works of non-fiction, as well as papers and articles on nonlethal weapons, developmental military technology and other defense and national security topics.

Christopher Crosby Morris (born 1946) is an American author of fiction and non-fiction, as well as a lyricist, musical composer, and singer-songwriter. He is married to author Janet Morris. He is a defense policy and strategy analyst and a principal in M2 Technologies, Inc. He writes primarily as Chris Morris, but occasionally uses pseudonyms.

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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/121072.Janet_E_Morris

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/317667.Chris_Morris

Tune In Tomorrow Book Tour

Their fantasy is her reality.

Tune in Tomorrow

by Randee Dawn 

Genre: Humorous Pop-Culture Fantasy 

A funny, thrilling and mysterious adventure into the world of alternate reality television… Perfect for fans of Jasper Fforde and Christopher Moore.

She’s just a small town girl, with big mythic dreams.

Starr Weatherby came to New York to become… well, a star. But after ten years and no luck, she’s offered a big role – on a show no one has ever heard of. And there’s a reason for that. It’s a ‘reality’ show beyond the Veil, human drama, performed for the entertainment of the Fae.

But as Starr shifts from astounded newcomer to rising fan favorite, she learns about the show’s dark underbelly – and mysterious disappearance of her predecessor. She’ll do whatever it takes to keep her dream job – though she might just bring down the show in the process.

Raves for the book:

“I thought I’d seen everything in the galaxy of reality TV, until Randee’s book!” – Andy Cohen, Host / Executive Producer, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen and New York Times bestselling author

“Randee Dawn has single-handedly created a glittering new genre: the Backstage Comedy Fantasy Romance — and I want more!” – Ellen Kushner, World Fantasy Award-winning author of Thomas the Rhymer and Swordspoint

“Randee Dawn’s Tune in Tomorrow is a wild ride through the world of reality TV, Faerie style. It’s a satire and a romance (of a sort) and a fairytale and a mystery, full of characters I loved (and loved to hate) and situations that had me biting my nails. It’s also hilariously funny.” – World Fantasy Award nominee Delia Sherman, author of The Porcelain Dove and The Evil Wizard Smallbone

“Tune in Tomorrow is a joyride. It takes you on a journey into the make believe world of a soap opera. It dives in and out of what could possibly be fantasy or in fact is reality. As with the sands of time, as you Search for Tomorrow, or you are feeling Young and Restless, get lost in the adventures of Starr and be taken over by all that is Tune in Tomorrow.” – Emmy-nominated actor Gregory Zarian

“Dawn’s Tune in Tomorrow is a ton of fun with a lot of heart, charming characters, and devilish foes. And it’s funny as hell.” – Zin E. Rocklyn, author of Flowers for the Sea

“Few authors can open the door to another world as easily as you might turn on the TV, but Randee Dawn has the key and the remote control firmly in her hand. Flip through the fae and the grindylows, let her be your TV guide and psychopomp. You will find yourself howling at the gate for a rerun.” – Meg Elison, author of Number One Fan

“This book is a BOUNCY CASTLE! This book is like a candy store and a screwball comedy had a fling in fairyland and the result was a mythic soap opera! There was no predicting it, there was only riding this dragon all the way to its rollicking rollercoaster conclusion. How dear and joyous it is, how satisfying, and how worthy of praise!” – World Fantasy Award-winning author of Saint Death’s Daughter C.S.E. Cooney

“Dawn balances over-the-top drama and comedy with genuine intrigue to create a fun story with plenty of heart. Fans of Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett will want to snatch this up.” – Publishers Weekly

“Tune in Tomorrow is a hilariously well-constructed story with surprising complexity, and one that uses its reality TV premise not as a destination, but as a jumping off point to create something uniquely interesting that stays entertaining the entire way through.” – Lightspeed Magazine

“Dawn’s witty take on society’s fascination with peering at life through a camera lens spotlights the sometimes-blurred intersection between fantasy and reality, all captured on video. Her playful narrative propels readers into the realm of alternate possibilities while questioning what is real and what is make-believe, and if we can even tell the difference.” – BookTrib

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tune-Tomorrow-Randee-Dawn/dp/1786186306

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tune-in-tomorrow-randee-dawn/1140376607?ean=9781786186317

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/tune-in-tomorrow-by-randee-dawn

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59365823-tune-in-tomorrow


Tune in Tomorrow, by Randee Dawn

They twisted and turned so much Starr lost track of where she was, and Jason’s strange mixture of delight and nervousness was starting to make her feel anxious. At last, she came to a hard halt in the middle of a hallway. 

Jason tilted his head.

“Look, I get it. You’re like a big VFX warehouse or something. I’m guessing Tune in Tomorrow is some kind of space opera on the web. But your showing me every nook and cranny and door hinge doesn’t give me a clue about what’s going on. What is this place?”

Jason took a dramatic pause and his green eyes lit up, “Tune in Tomorrow is many things to so many mythics. We are the longest-running, most-viewed reality TV show ever made in any dimension. We are made by mythics, for mythics—but starring humans. “

Reality?” Starr twitched. “With dragon puppets and robots?”

Jason started to speak, took a breath and paced up and down. Raised a finger, lowered it, then stopped in front of her. Cleared his throat. “It’s been some time since I had to explain this to a human. Bear with me.” He pushed open another door and gestured inside.

Starr planted her feet in the doorway. “Jason, this is a toilet.”

“Yes, well, needs must. I don’t have any other handy water.”

He was speaking in riddles—and disappearing into a bathroom with a near-stranger was awkward at best, creepy at worst. Still, she didn’t sense Jason was up to no good.

He practically vibrated with excitement, or nerves, or both. Swallowing, Starr took the risk and stepped inside. The bathroom door swung closed behind them.

Jason turned on all four sinks in the room. Water cascaded from three; butterflies burst from the fourth. Starr gaped. Jason quickly shut that one off with a sheepish grin and turned his back on the sink. The butterflies disintegrated. 

Starr blinked.

“You see,” he raised his sing-song voice over the noise of the remaining water, “we adore human to’ings and fro’ings. We are the original fans of stories-without-end. Some hundreds of years ago when the Seelie came up with the idea of telling stories to mythics, they were known as Stories Of All Purpose, or for short –”

“SOAP,” Starr realized. The room was starting to heat up and the mirrors fogged; Jason had apparently turned on only the hot water. She wondered where he was going with all this; the fantastical elements of his story were fanciful and charming, but silly. Maybe he was just being very method about the show. “You’re making a soap opera?”

“Shh!” he quieted her, glancing around. “Yes—and no. That’s how we started. But most mythics are self-cleaning. Bathing is a hobby, not a practice. SOAPs fell a bit out of fashion. Mythics wanted real human stories.

Finally, once humans on your side of the Veil began writing their own TV shows, one of us—me, in fact—infiltrated a few writing rooms and discovered that you were doing what we’d been doing for years and calling it ‘reality TV.’ That fit us perfectly . Our viewers tune in because they believe we are telling real stories, and that’s what keeps us going.”



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About The Author

Randee Dawn is an author, journalist, and lucky denizen of Brooklyn. Her first novel, the humorous pop-culture fantasy Tune in Tomorrow, published in August 2022 (Solaris/Rebellion).

Randee’s short fiction has appeared in publications and podcasts including 3AM Magazine (“The View of My Brother’s Profile in the Rear-View Mirror,” 2001; “Warm, In Your Coat,” 2004) and Well-Told Tales (“Home for the Holidays,” 2015; “Can’t Keep a Dead Man Down,” 2017). 

Dawn’s stories have appeared in anthologies including Where We May Wag (“The Last Dog,” Writing Piazza Press, 2018), Children of a Different Sky (“Can’t Find My Way Home,” Kos Books, 2018), Magic for Beginners (“Queen Zoe and the Spinning Game,” Fantasia Divinity, 2019), Dim Shores Presents (“Rough Beast, Slouching,” 2021), Another World: Stories of Portal Fantasy (“The Way Is Clear,” SummerStorm Press, 2021), and Horror for the Throne: One-Sitting Reads (“Cat Person”).

She has a short collection of dark speculative fiction short stories, “Home for the Holidays” (2014) and co-authored “The Law & Order: SVU Unofficial Companion” (BenBella Books, 2009). She co-edited the speculative fiction anthology of “what if” stories about The Beatles, “Across the Universe: Tales of Alternative Beatles” (Fantastic Books, 2019).

When not making stuff up, Randee publishes entertainment profiles, reviews, and think pieces regularly in outlets including Variety, The Los Angeles Times, Today.com and Emmy Magazine, and writes trivia for BigBrain. 

She can be found at RandeeDawn.com and @RandeeDawn (on Twitter).

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Website: https://randeedawn.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorRandeeDawn

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/randeedawn

Bookbub:  https://www.bookbub.com/authors/randee-dawn

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Randee-Dawn/author/B002F1BDJO

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6568202.Randee_Dawn

Book Of Magic Book Tour

Unravel the secrets to crafting a masterful magic system from best-selling fantasy author Charlie N. Holmberg.

Charlie N. Holmberg’s Book of Magic 

By Charlie N. Holmberg

Genre: Speculative Nonfiction, Writing Self-Help

Unravel the secrets to crafting a masterful magic system from best-selling fantasy author Charlie N. Holmberg.

Whether using magic as flavor or as an essential piece of plot, this book will guide fantasy authors, from new to experienced, through the delicate layers of creating, utilizing, and mastering magic systems.

In this book, we will…

*Discuss the schools, laws, and spectrum of magic

*Learn to build individual pieces of a magic system

*Dig into magic’s influence on worldbuilding

*Examine different types and styles of magic

*Develop and polish original magic systems

With workshops, work pages, and reference materials included, this succinct one-and-done guide to crafting the magical elements of the fantasy genre is a must-have for speculative fiction authors.

“If you haven’t had the fortune of attending one of Charlie’s writing classes (which I have), this is the next best thing.

Book of Magic contains so much wit, wisdom, and practical suggestions for helping any beginning author, or veteran, make their magic systems rise up and be noticed.

She uses expert examples from other authors you know as well as teaching a masterclass on developing magic systems from scratch based on methods she’s invented.

You just may need this book to help find out what kind of magic-based diseases might be festering in your neighbor’s cabbages.” —Jeff Wheeler, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Kingfountain series

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D4MZM3XK

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/charlie-n-holmberg-s-book-of-magic-by-charlie-n-holmberg

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/217485012-charlie-n-holmberg-s-book-of-magic



Before we get into the bones of building a magic system, I want to take a page or two to discuss originality. 

Originality really is what separates a lot of books and a lot of authors. In fantasy, it’s tempting to default to an “easy” magic system so we can focus on storytelling.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing—if I want to start my story in medias res, with a man being assaulted by a vampire in an alleyway, all I have to do is say “vampire” and the antagonistic force is set.

I don’t have to waste time grounding the reader, because vampires are so common, I can start the story with no learning curve. And if I’m trying to hook readers on the action, then this is absolutely a tool I’m going to use. 

Books can employ simple or preset magic systems when the goal is flavor, highlighting power, or invoking a fantastical setting. Easy magic has a shallow learning curve, and therefore can attract more readers, especially those unused to the conventions of the fantasy genre.

But for those who want magic to be a large part of the story—tied in deeply with characters and plot—take a moment to differentiate yourself from the books that may sit beside yours on the shelf (or above and below you on the Amazon scroll).

Take your time with it—don’t rush development. Great magic systems, like great stories, need time to marinate in your brain before they come to life on paper.

A few tips to spark originality:

Take note of what’s currently saturating the market and avoid it. If you bank off writing to market, then jumping on the bandwagon of what’s hot now can pay off in the short term.

However, if you want something to stand out in one of the many slush piles of traditional publishing, or you want to guarantee your book will still be interesting ten years from now, consider taking the untrodden path. 

Take a “done” magic and make it different. If your heart is set on elemental magic or powered-up tattoos, that’s okay! Just put a unique twist on it. This is what Stephenie Meyer did with Twilight.

She took vampires (done, done, and done) and made them her own. This is also why you can have two books with seemingly similar magic systems and have completely different stories.

Case in point, both Brent Weeks’ Lightbringer trilogy and Brandon Sanderson’s Warbreaker use color-based magic. But the magic is explored in such fundamentally different manners that the casual reader would never dream of comparing them. 

In regard to my Paper Magician series, I wasn’t the first person to think of magical origami (though at the time, driving in my car between Idaho and Utah, I thought maybe I was).

Paper magic is also in the 1999 manga series Read or Die, for instance. But my expanding paper magic into the realm of manmade materials made it unique. If you’re trying to turn heads, you don’t need an entirely unique, never-seen-before magic system (or hey, let the book’s premise be the unique element and go ahead and write about fairies or fire or whatever makes your id happy). You can have something familiar with a unique twist or quirk.

Make a list. This process can be done with any aspect of brainstorming, not just magic. Make a list of whatever it is you need to figure out, such as what kind of creature will innately possess magic in your story (more on this in Chapter 6). And just start vomiting out ideas.

The further down the list you get, the harder your brain is working, and the more original your ideas will be. (Note that going too far down the list might leave you with something too bizarre to realistically work with.)

For example,

  1. Unicorns
  2. Vampires
  3. Pegasi
  4. Flying frogs
  5. Flying fish
  6. Giant bats
  7. Giant butterflies
  8. Wolves with butterfly wings
  9. Forest-eating caterpillars
  10. Three-headed snakes

Based on that list (which I literally did write off the top of my head and have not changed from the rough draft of this book for the sake of reality), I really like the idea of forest-eating caterpillars. And they can transform into giant butterflies, so that’s a two-for-one.

Remember, more often than not, simpler is better. It’s really easy for us to go overboard with our worldbuilding and open a giant can of worms that will devour and suffocate our readers, so it’s important to keep it simple.

Take a moment and think of the best magic systems you’ve read in your favorite books. More likely than not, you could explain them to someone quickly and concisely. Getting too complex with magic steepens the learning curve and frustrates readers.

Rule of thumb? If you, the author, have to continually look at your notes to remember how your magic works, your reader isn’t going to stick around to learn it.


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About the Author 

Charlie N. Holmberg is a Wall Street Journal and Amazon Charts bestselling author of fantasy and romance fiction, including the Paper Magician series, the Spellbreaker series, and the Whimbrel House series, and writes contemporary romance under C. N. Holmberg.

She is published in over twenty languages and is a Goodreads Choice Award, ALA, and RITA finalist. Born in Salt Lake City, Charlie was raised a Trekkie alongside three sisters who also have boy names.

A BYU alumna, she discovered in her thirties that she’s actually a cat person. She lives with her family in Utah. Visit her at www.charlienholmberg.com.

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Author Links

Website: https://www.charlienholmberg.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cnholmberg/