Better Education Through Gaming By Chris Mason

About the Book:

Better Education Through Gaming is a guide created to reinforce educational concepts students learn in the classroom and homeschooling settings.

The guide helps students develop critical thinking skills while using traditional and unorthodox educational computer games.

Are you worried that your student lacks the necessary critical thinking skills to navigate this ever changing world?

Is it getting harder to get and keep a student’s attention long enough to retain the information being taught?

Would you as a parent or teacher like to make the educational process more enjoyable and fun while still making sure key points in curriculum in the various subject areas are still being covered?

If you dear reader say yes to any of this questions then Better Education Through Gaming: A Guide to Games that Enrich, Instruct and Reinforce Educational Concepts might just be the book you’re looking for.

Better Education Through Gaming: Subjects covered include: art, computer programming, mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies.

This book is meant for students in grades four through high school.

Games in Better Education Through Gaming range from classics including The Oregon Trail developed by M.E.C.C. and Carmen Sandiego to modern classics such as A Hand With Many Fingers and The Occupation.

Most games in Better Education Through Gaming have been paired together with various complimentary subject areas.

So what are you waiting for let’s get gaming!

About The Author:

You can find Chris online at:

Twitter: @TruckerTablet
Facebook: Facebook profile