Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 6

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer to yesterday’s question: Three Amusement Piers.


Image courtesy of Aneese from Getty Images via Canva.com

Kamyla and I hope you had as much fun as we did playing the game.

Thank you for joining us on our road trip and playing along. The winners will be notified of their prizes once we get home!

Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 5

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer to yesterday’s question: Wildwood Days!

New Jersey Fun Facts!

Bobby Rydell Wildwood Days on Youtube

The prize of the day is:

Teddy Bear Action Rhyme

Trivia Question Number 5:

How many amusement piers does Wildwood Boardwalk have?

(Please leave a reply at ellwyn@ellwynautumn.com )

Check back tomorrow for day 5’s answer and the conclusion of the game.

Good Luck!