Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 2

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer for yesterday’s question: Did you guess New Jersey? You’re right!

We are in New Jersey! New Jersey aka The Garden State became the 3rd State to ratify the Constitution on December 18, 1787. 


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The prize up for grabs today is:

Autographed copy of Kamyla Chung and the Creepy Crawlies & SWAG!

Trivia Question Number 2:

Which city in NJ hosts JEEP INVASION?

(Please email your answer to ellwyn@ellwynautumn.com..)

Check back tomorrow for Day 2’s answer and the next question.

Good Luck!

Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 1

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Hey Trivia Players!

Kamyla and I are on our way and ready to play. Are you ready for the first question in Kamyla’s 2nd Trip Giveaway?

This is the PRIZE up for grabs today:

A Free Classroom or Library Visit (Virtual or In Person)

Trivia Question Number 1:

Which state was third to ratify the United States Constitution?

(Please leave a reply at ellwyn@ellwynautumn.com.)

Check back tomorrow for Day 1’s answer and the next question.

Good luck!

Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway

Image created on Canva.com.

Hey Trivia Players!

Kamyla and I are going on a road trip and we want you to come with us! We’ve made an interactive game to play with you during our travels.

Each day we’ll ask a question related to the trip. The first person to answer these posts correctly wins a prize. Send your reply to  ellwyn@ellwynautumn.com.

I’ll post the first question tomorrow and the answer the day after.

Have fun and good luck!

Prize List:

*Free Classroom or Library Visit (Virtual on In Person)

*One autographed copy of Kamyla Chung and the Creepy Crawlies & Mystery SWAG!

*One autographed copy of Kamyla Chung and the Classroom Bully & Mystery SWAG!

*One autographed copy of Teddy Bear Tea & mystery SWAG!

*Surprise gift!

Gotta get on the road! BYE!!